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Technology ………. it’s a People Thing!

Top-Usability : Usability Assessment and
Ease-of-use Design services

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Every visitor to your website is earned through investment of resource and precious marketing budgets.  Optimisation & submission services, software, affiliate and link referrals, advertising, pay per click placements - all have one function - to get prospects to your site - and they come pretty expensive!

Without site visitors you may as well pack up now - but climbing the rankings to attract more prospects is becoming increasingly complex and costly.

Despite this, research shows that when these precious visitors do arrive, even the ones who really want to do business with you, half to two thirds don’t conclude their intended transactions - that’s pure lost revenue for you!

Two thirds of your investments just evaporating ..... even if they want to buy your product or service.

What causes this huge wastage of revenue and profit?
The answer is …. poor usability.

Usability is a specialist area of IT and systems design, rooted in HCI (Human Computer Interaction), cognitive psychology, and visual perception.

Though of fundamental importance to web sites and services, limited numbers of skilled professionals have left it overshadowed by the massive graphic design industry, however :-

A High Usability site with clear relevant is almost always more successful, than a high investment sophisticated design site with poor usability.

High Usability makes your prospects feel welcomed, understood, able to achieve their intended aims, respected and valued,
Poor usability just makes them leave!

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